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Normal People


Sally Rooney

Rating: 10/10

This book was honestly the best book I have ever read — because of the amazing character and plot development throughout the (at least) second part of the novel. While the first half of the novel felt pretty average at times, I think that it was necessary to create this rift between Marianne and Connell and bring them back together. Nonetheless, this was a very pleasant read, not just because of the romance, but also because of the challenges that the characters faced. Summary: While in high school Connell and Marianne found themselves oddly attracted to themselves: Connell was the popular soccer star, while Marianne was the lonely oddball in school. However, as the tension grew between them, they fell into this secret relationship, that slowly fell apart as they attended college. A year later, they study at Trinty College, and the roles flip: Marianne is the social butterfly in college, while Connell had few friends. However, they still were good friends, and slowly fell in love, only to find out that they both had demons that they desperately concealed.


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